Student Registration
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Date of Hire
Social Work License # for CE Hours (if applicable)
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Lakeshore Region
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West Michigan - WMCMH
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Organization Name
Please Select One
Baldwin Family Health Care
Beacon Specialized Living Services
Case Management of Michigan, Inc.
Christian AFC
Community Treatment Services
Country Acres
Country Easy Living
Crockery Creek
Eden Prairie Residential Care Services
Fishers AFC/CTH
GT Independence
HGA Support Services
Hope Network
McBride Quality Care Services, Inc.
Orchard Hill Enterprises
Purdys AFC
Real Life Living West MI
Snug Harbor Adult Day Care
Spectrum Community Services
St. Johns Healthcare PC
Stuart Wilson
Sunsetmanor Senior AFC Corp.
Turning Leaf Residential Rehab Services
West Michigan CMH
Woodland Park Manor L.L.C.
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Program Name
Please Select One
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No Manager Selected
0-, No Manager
0-, No Manager
0-, No Manager
0-, No Manager
0-, No Manager
76th St AFC Krajewski, Jonathan
A1 Case Management Witkowski, Katie
Above and Beyond Care Jordan, Nigel
ACAC-Fresh Coast Oakley, Rae-Ann
Acorn Health Fillar, Jordan
Acosta-Ayala, Monica Hope Network
Adia Mpesha, Beata
Affinity Health Gray, Cathy
Agnus Dei AFC Home Inc Saintz, James M
Agnus Dei AFC Home Inc Saintz, Lisa
Aidaly Care Hajj, Alison
Akoya Behavioral Health Bingham, Lisa
Alexander, Chamari Hope Network
Allegan CMH Stickels, Leah
Alliance Home Health Care Services Hynes, Teresa
Alliance Home Health Care Services Stickels, Cathleen
Alliance Home Health Curtis, Stephanie
Alliance Smith, Andie
Alternative Pathways Bazan, Amber
Alval by the Lake AFC Basmayor, Christina
Amanda Home Rowe, Theresa
Amant Deboer, Ashley
Amazing Grace Home Moore, Gwendolyn
American Homestead Wiedenhoeft, Kolleen
Andrea Zylema Zylema, Andrea
Angel Care Saha, Beauty
Apple Hill AFC Schmidt, Mark
Applied Behavioral Science Hales, Ashley
Arbor Circle Cardosa, Cathy
Arbor Circle Grice, Faye
Arbor Circle Kramer, Christine
Arbor Circle Lewis, Gwen
Arbor Circle Medina-Figueroa, Ivette
Arbor Circle Rice, Angela
Arbor Circle Riley, Alilisha
Arbor Circle Rojas, Carmen
Arbor Circle Tate, rebeka
Arbor Circle Vanderwal, Pamela
Arbor Circle Vorce, Rachel
ARC Pickel, Chris
ARC VanOpynen, Linda
Ascension Health Peck, Amy
Assisted Residential Services Meyer, Kathy
Austin, Sharya Hope Network
Autism Centers of Michigan Milham, Jordan
Autism of America Elya, Sandra
Autism of America Samona, Jennel
Autism of America Tinpan, Ann
Barry AFC Nelson, Shari
Baseline Clinical Services Inc. Ferry, Dave
Baseline Clinical Services Inc. Johnson, Brett
Beacon Hunter, Suzy
Beacon Blue/Twin Lake Pierce, Katrina
Beacon Kelsey, Ashley
Beacon Specialized Battice, Felisha
Beacon Specialized Ferreira, Lori
Beacon Specialized Living Services Kerr, Amelia
Beacon Specialized Living Services Welch, Carol
Beacon Wright, Christopher
Behavior Analysts of West Michigan Hayward, Margie
Bella Vita Brunson, Vanessa
Bella Vita Laverell, Lisa
Bella Vita Solutions Impellizzeri, Mariella
Benjamin's Hope Veldheer, Corey
Bens Hope Training, BensHope
Bergsma AFC McMurray, Shannon
BErista, Inc. Lyon, Erin
Bethany Christian Services Koop, April
Bethany Christian Services VanderBent, Jill
Bethel AFC Mallick, Shipra
Bethesda Farm Evans, Marcia
Bethesda Lutheran Communities Miller, Jessica
Blessed Edge AFC Mason, Kathryn
Blue Moon AFC DeLaRosa, Christopher
Blue Moon AFC Stoughton, Nick
Bluff Lake Dixon, Wanda
Braintrust Behavioral Health LLC Dugger, Zach
Brightside Living Husted, Corey
Burton, Anthony Hope Network
Bushnell AFC Bushnell, Cynthia
C.A.R.D. Fitzgerald, Cheryl
Calvin University Smits, Jamie
Cameo House Rosel, Nicole
Camp Beechpoint Bechler, Michelle
Camp Blodgett Paul, Brian
Camp Kidwell Kelly, KJ
CaseMgmtMI McGarvey, Michael
Catholic Charities of West Michigan Harsevoort, Elizabeth
Centria Healthcare Archibald, Kate
Centria Healthcare Harris, Emily
Centria Healthcare Kieling, Melani
Centria Healthcare Shultz, Kaitlyn
Centriahealthcare Downey, Candace
Cherry Health Svcs Hattem, Donna
Childrens Advocacy Center Williams, Shyra
Choice Community Solutions Festus, Bobby
Christian AFC Jefferies, Eric
Christian Care Sobish, Chaundra
Chrysalis Services Kacmar, Stephen
Chrysalis Services Mathis, Lisa
Clark Retirement Ayers, Nancy
CMH Training Center, Ottawa County
Collver, Rylee Hope Network
Comfort Home Debose, Laurie
Comfort Home Jiles, Everett
ComLivServ , West Michigan Office
Community Alliance, Time Sheets
Comp Therapy Serv Sawyer, Ellen
Compass Wellness Center Burnett, Amber
Compass Wellness Center Jenkins, Margaret
Compassionate Care Assisted Living Martell, Mandy
Concierge Care Menier, La Quinn
Consumer Services Inc Gibbs, Ivan
Consumer Services Inc Hill, Benjamin
Consumer Services Inc Norman, Rosalee
Consumer Services Inc Stanton, Jessica
Country Acres Dewitt, Amy
Country Easy Living Crosby, Mike
Covenant Ability Turner-Sneed Joseph House, Amber
Covenant Ability Turner-Sneed Mary's House, Amber
Creating Independence Lewis, Brian
Creating Independence Simpson, Cynthia
Creating Independence Snyder, Gina
Crockery Creek Marsman, Gary
Crockery Creek Marsman, Gary
DA Blodgett McKinnon, Janelle
DA Blodgett Rosado, Melissa
Daily Life Skills Hub Steckler, Katie
David's House, HR
Day Springs Dahlman, Kelly
DBT Institute Smith, Erin
Dean, Nichole Hope Network
Dean CTH Dean, Janet
Dearlove, Matt Hope Network
Deb's CTH Ray, Deb
Deer Creek AFC Wynsma, Cheri
Delaney, Chrystal Hope Network
Delange, Cara Hope Network
Delight Care Moses, Jackson
Developmental Enhancement, PLC Prince, Abbie
Developmental Enhancement, PLC Westrate, Abbie
Developmental Enhancements Mitchell-Jackson, Crystal
Diamond Pointe Bolden, Dorthie
Dignified Care Esese , Laura
Disability Network Collier, Tamera
Disability Network Lakeshore Trowbridge, Stacey
Diversified Medical Staffing Burns, Ken
Donlon-Sims, Erica Hope Network
Dunham AFC Dunham, Tara
Dunlop Court Domers, Stacey
Dunlop Court Elenbaas, Joanne
Duzan, Lori Hope Network
Early Autism Services Frisbie, Anthony
Early Autism Services Naula-Quintero, Gabby
Easter Seals of Michigan Moore, Kim
Eastern Ottawa Young Life Walters, Andrea
Eden Prairie Allen , Nichole
Edison Christian Thompson, DaleTron
Embracing Life I Martell, Kristen
Embracing Life II Martell, Brad
Enriched Living Labie, Laurie
EPRCS Ogundipe, Ken
Eva's AFC Deglopper, Eva
Evergreen Commons Sholes, Suzzanne
Every Womens Place Davis, Sarah
Fa-Ho-Lo Arends, Lisa
Fairchild, Jessica Hope Network
Fairris, Emily
Faith Care AFC Troast, Juliet
Faith House Phillips, Dan
Falco Rhoda, Theresa
Falco-Allegan Rhoda, Theresa
Family Health Care London, Rebecca
Family Promise Smith, Laura
Favor House Davids, Lawrence
Fireside AFC Hapke, Barb
Fisher's AFC/CTH Cabada, Lisa
Fountainview Frazier, Tara
Fox, Wes Hope Network
Francis AFC Adams, Jessica
Frazier, Kathy Hope Network
Fresh Start Kooiker, Brian
Full Circle Greendyk, Britany
Full Circle Henrickson, Kelly
Gateway Pediatric Therapy Caleca, Andrea
Gee, Sara Pine Rest
Genesis Wright, Robert
Georgetown Harmony Homes Folkert, Brandon
Georgetown Harmony Homes Kuiper, Cara
Georgetown Harmony Homes Overlander, Alicia
Gerontology Network Zeck, Rich
Gillespie, Paige Hope Network
Gleason, Jennifer Hope Network
Golden Care LLC Ongwela, Thomas
Golden Care LLC Waweru, Cathrine
Golden Hearts Toure, Ali-Jumah
Golden Steps ABA Lax, Jay
Goodwill Ind-Ottawa DeNio-Carskadon, Heather
Goodwill Industries Buck, Laurel
Goodwill Industries Randall, Wende
Goodwill Passenier, Heather
Goodwill Turley, Jessica
Gordon, Chavaun Hope Network
Grace AFC Gregory, Sandy
Grace of Douglas Cortright, Julie
Grandville Friendship Home 1 Isenga, Christine
Grandville Friendship Home 2 McMichael, Deborah
Grayson AFC Grayson, Kerry
Grotenhuis, Todd Hope Network
Growing Roots Lamore, Casey
Growing Roots Roost, Jessica
GT Leonard, Brittany
GTI Lewis, Amanda
Gusco Kooistra, Kim
Hansma AFC Hansma, Stephanie
Happy Acres Emert, Sallie
Harbor House Merchant, Lisa
Harbor House Ministries Bowyer, Lisa
Harbor House Ministries Mesman, Julie
Harmony Cove Rumler, Linda
Harmony Enterprises Inc. Rittenhouse, Kimberly
Harris, Tamarisk Hope Network
Harris, Voncil Hope Network
Harvest Care Homes Perry, Mornike
Haus on High Nadeau, Heather
Health Accomodation Byiringiro, Jackson
HealthWest Ritchie, Laura
HealthWest Schaner, Gina
Healthy Focus Maynard, Mandy
Heart and Hands In Home Care Leatherman Stuberg, Melissa
Heartland Pappagalo, Gavin
Hearty Homes Eyamba, Young
Help at Home Johnson, Gaberiel
Help at Home Lemkuil, Jennifer
Help at Home Mills, Sarah
Help at Home Schnipke, Thomas
Help at Home Wilson, Lydia
Helping Hands Maciel, Shawn
Heritage Homes Inc Dodge-Hanis, Amanda
Heritage Homes Inc Rameau, Stephanie
Heritage Homes Inc Stein, Taylor
Heritage Homes Inc. Bonser, David
Heritage Homes Inuolaji, Bolaji
Heritage Homes Mead, Kelly
Heritage Homes Paluch, Alora
Heritage Homes Scherer, Courtney
Heritage Homes, Inc. Dreese, Monte
Heritage Homes, Inc. Millsor, Tina
Heritage Homes, Inc. Rios, Deb
Heritage Homes, Inc. Root, Perfenda
Heritage Homes, Inc. VanderSloot, Deb
Herzhaft, Stephanie Hope Network
Herzhaft-France, Crystal Hope Network
HGA Black Creek Cove - Dockery, Daniyah
HGA Fairbrother, Amy
HGA Lilac - Hughes, Rashonda
HGA Shaffer - Wolcott, Falen
HGA Support Services Hoffman, Leslie
HGA Virginia - LastName Temporary, HGA Virginia Temporary
HGA Walker - Stewart, Jovanna
Hicks, Channe Hope Network
Hirsch, Staci Hope Network
Holland Deacons Conference Kooyman, Jack
Holland Deacon's Conference Lems, Carrie
Holland Deacons Conference Pierce, Amy
Holland Drop In Center Geiersbach, Pepper
Holland Drop In Center Puckerin, Arturo
Holland Drop In Center Wittenmyer, Kimberly
Holland Hospital Howard, Kelly
Homewatch Caregivers Retzlaff, Emily
Hope Discovery ABA Allegan Horton, Scott
Hope Discovery ABA Horton, Scott
Hope Discovery ABA Nothwehr, Sakura
Hope Discovery ABA Services Horton, Scott
Hope Love and Grace Rockette, Constance
Hope Network Acton, Lori
Hope Network Adrianson, Jessie
Hope Network Aikens, Latricia
Hope Network Ancel-Supuk, Trisha
Hope Network Andrews, Lori
Hope Network Booker, Floyd
Hope Network Borg, Renee
Hope Network Darling, Jamie
Hope Network Favreau, Tanya
Hope Network Fenton, Mara
Hope Network Fondren, Dedrick
Hope Network Gilkey, Deneisha
Hope Network Groeneveld, Kimberly
Hope Network Haight, Cheryl
Hope Network Harding, Kristen
Hope Network Hughes, Damaris
Hope Network Jackson, Lula
Hope Network Kross, Ryan
Hope Network Ledford, Amanda
Hope Network Lopez, Corinna
Hope Network Martin, Bill
Hope Network McCarthy, Meri
Hope Network Michaels, Ann
Hope Network Mikel, Eric
Hope Network Mock, Deborah
Hope Network Moore, Brandi
Hope Network Moore, Margaret
Hope Network Mwangi, Charles
Hope Network O'Brien, Erin
Hope Network Paul, Dave
Hope Network Pena, Megan
Hope Network Pittman, Marivell
Hope Network Price, Dawn
Hope Network Scott, Mary
Hope Network Selk, Brian
Hope Network Steward, Christina
Hope Network Thelen, Meghan
Hope Network Vandyke, Michelle
Hope Network Waidelich, Amanda
Hope Network Williams, Jennie
Hope Network Wilson, Leslie
Hope Network Windram, Holly
HR Alliance Ramirez, Pamela
Ida Mae's Barker, Geralyn
IKUS Aten, Myles
IKUS Life DeMott, Amy
IKUS LIfe Enrichment Koekkoek, Justin
IKUS Life Fischer, Gretchen
Intercare DeJonge Meraz, Angela
ISC Crayne, Sarah
ISC Musk, Katie
ISC Trella, Gillian
Ivy Home Muriithi, Jason
Ivy Rehab Ansuini, Edward
JBC Home Thornton, John
Jones, Walter Hope Network
Joyful Living AFC Peterson, Joyce
Kelly's Kare Grant, Kelly
Kent County Community Action Gillespie, Sherrie
Kent County Health Department Oosterink, Amy
Kid At Heart Therapy Chesser, Brianna
Kingdom Rest Center Vewue Forkpah, Stephen
Kleck AFC Kleck, John
Kornoelje AFC Kornoelje, Kim
KPEP Goolsby, Andelin
KPEP Hicks, Andy
La Benediction Tuo, Tortia
Lakeshore Care Patterson, Sheila
Lakeshore Regional Entity Chick, Stacia
Lakeshore Regional Entity Dyga, Marion
Lakeshore Regional Entity Marlatt-Dumas, Mary
Lakeshore Regional Entity Motakis, George
Lakeshore Regional Entity Myers, Ione
Lakeshore Regional Entity Opsommer, Greg
Lakeshore Regional Entity Price, Wendi
Lakeshore Regional Entity Rozema, Jeff
Lakeshore Regional Entity VanDerKooi, Stephanie
LaTurno, Kris Hope Network
Lehner, Cassie Ramsdell AFC
Liberty House Sloan, Amy
Life Align Thiele, Steve
Life's Choice AFC Cawley, Marcia
Lilly, Deloris Hope Network
Little Red Car ABA Services LLC MacIver, Kristy
Living Hope Home Care Koster, Laura
Living Well Ward-Gardner, Miranda
LRE Curtis-Newell, Kathy
LSS McEwen, Angila
Lydia's AFC Hodges, Lydia
Madison, Janice Hope Network
Maple Grove AFC Schnautz, Lindsey
Mary's Home Dotson, Mary
McBride, Lindsey Hope Network
McBride Quality Care Services, Inc. Todd, Carrie
McBride Weed, Crystal
Meadow Shores AFC Smithe, Cheryl
Merakey Bateson, Megan
Mercy Health Horsman, Sandra
Middleville afc Parker, Terrie
MOKA Amandou, Heaven
MOKA Arebalo, Robbyn
MOKA Baer, Daniyel
MOKA Beachwood Dunes Daves, Denise
MOKA Biboko, Everlyne
MOKA Bowne, Dorothy
MOKA Brookmere Johnson, William
MOKA Brown, Stephanie
MOKA Bukasa, Leonard
MOKA Chiwara, Grace
MOKA Corporation Grotenhuis, William Frank
MOKA Corporation Johnson, Gabby
MOKA Corporation Jordan, Amanda
MOKA Corporation McCollum, Joni
MOKA Corporation Navis, Cameron
MOKA Corporation Pressley, Jessica
MOKA Corporation Primer, Henry
MOKA Corporation Williams, Sheryl
MOKA Corporation Zvirgzds, Tom
MOKA Crescent Home Ratcliffe, Rhenee
MOKA Feenstra, Leah
MOKA Fofana, Ousman
MOKA Forest Trail Mabrito, Shanna
MOKA Gerlach, Kendra
MOKA Graceland Grant, Christine
MOKA Hammond, Lisa
MOKA Hands, DeeAnn
MOKA Harbor Pines Whittaker, Desiree
MOKA Hernandez, Patricia
MOKA Hillman, Jennifer
MOKA Hines, Arlene
MOKA Hogg, Lowanda
MOKA Hoomaian, Lauren
MOKA Householder, Jennifer
MOKA Householder, Jennifer
MOKA Hullinger, Faith
MOKA Jackson, Philicia
MOKA Kitur, Elijah
MOKA Knights, Nicole
MOKA Ligtenberg, Laura
MOKA Mbuta, Daudi
MOKA Meyle, Alaina
MOKA Miller, Jana
MOKA Mkandawire, Wilford
MOKA Oltman, Tasha
MOKA Onyaiti, Andrew
MOKA Ortegon, McKenna
MOKA Oxford Circle Thelen, Kimberly
MOKA Peterson, Brenda
MOKA Pike, Marion
MOKA Reynhout, Vanessa
MOKA Romanosky, Jamie
MOKA Salas, Nicole
MOKA Shumard, Jenny
MOKA Skyline Ross, Jenee
MOKA Slocum Deters, Nichole
MOKA Smith, Heidi
MOKA Sophia Butler, Jamie
MOKA Stoffers, Elizabeth
MOKA Terra Nova Mieras, Myra
MOKA Van Volkinburg, Holly
MOKA VanDuine, Lynette
MOKA Verhaar, Kendra
Momentum Center Vipond, Jenna
Monarch Services LLC Milbocker, Kimberly
Monroe, Lacy Hope Network
Morrell's Family Home Pillars, Glenda
Moving Forward AFC Lubinski, Nanci
My Brothers House II Bakker, Kris
My Brother's House III Emig, Eric
My Sisters House I Rorick, Janet
My Sister's House II Vick, Maria
Nana's House Haines, Dorecelle
Nephew Physical Therapy Meiste, Melissa
Network180 Bailey, Martha
Network180 Barnes, Melissa
Network180 Barone, Mariekie
Network180 Barrett, Stephanie
Network180 Barris, Keli
Network180 Boddy, Simon
Network180 Boogholt, Beth
Network180 Borden, Ryan
Network180 Bosma, Rachelle
Network180 Bowman, Clark
Network180 Boyer, Eric
Network180 Browett, Nicole
Network180 Brown, Sarah
Network180 Brown Edwards, Keigan
Network180 Burgess, Dan
Network180 Chiaro, Saddie
Network180 Crumm, Joann
Network180 Debraux, Kathryn
Network180 Demorest, Constance
Network180 DeWeerd, Kayla
Network180 Dill, Josh
Network180 Doerr, Carolyn
Network180 Eldred, Laurie
Network180 Farnum, Rayvene
Network180 Flowers, Barb
Network180 Garvin, Kenny
Network180 Goraj, Michelle
Network180 Halevan, Jill
Network180 Hartger, Abby
Network180 Higgins, Amanda
Network180 Hodzic, Selma
Network180 Hutton, Kara
Network180 Jones, Jennifer
Network180 Jones, Saica
Network180 June, Sherry
Network180 Kamphuis, Todd
Network180 Kempema, Kari
Network180 Kettring, Amy
Network180 Kompier, Alexis
Network180 Kotecki, Melinda
Network180 Krueger, Alisha
Network180 Levenburg, Sarah
Network180 Ludtke, Jana
Network180 Madrilejo, Mark
Network180 Malone, Kathryn
Network180 Matta, Ibtisam
Network180 McNeil, Mehgan
Network180 Murphy, Kimberly
Network180 Myers, Stephanie
Network180 Newman, Jessica
Network180 Orellana, Aben
Network180 O'Toole, Stacey
Network180 Poisson, Natalie
Network180 Rosen, Marcy
Network180 Rottman, Amy
Network180 Russell-Emery, Millie
Network180 Ryskamp, Beverly
Network180 Salmi, Regina
Network180 Schmidt, Sarah
Network180 Smith, Jessica
Network180 Smith, Laura
Network180 Spykerman, Kristin
Network180 Stark, Emily
Network180 Swan, Jordan
Network180 Syrek, Kelsey
Network180 Thomas, Elizabeth
Network180 Thompson, Jill
Network180 Treece, Mike
Network180 Tuitel, Annette
Network180 Volkers, Michelle
Network180 Watkins, Angie
Network180 Webber, Susan
Network180 Wilson, Edward
Network180 Wolf, Sarah
Network180 Wyn, Jennifer
Neurorestorative Prior, Jason
Newaygo CMH Tank, Christi
NKGS Skilling, Marianne
Noble Care Michael, Roy
NOLA Bechtel, Ron
Norma Jeans AFC Goderre, Debbie
North Holland Manor Schoeneweis, Karl
NuPoint Services Smith, Daryl
Oliver, Malissa Hope Network
One Day Niche Haraburda, Allison
O'Neill, Michael Hope Network
Organic Care Brown, Shequita
Oriole AFC Wynsma-Karnes, Linda
Oriole Muskegon Wynsma-Karnes, Linda
Ottagan Addictions Achtung, Mervin
Ottagan Addictions Dunham, Jake
Ottagan Addictions Dunham, Kari
Ottagan Addictions Laing, Janet
Ottagan Addictions Szot, Michelle
Ottawa CMH Alvarado, Tori
Ottawa CMH Bednarek, Anna
Ottawa CMH Brown, Joan
Ottawa CMH Casler, Lisa
Ottawa CMH Eisenlohr, Chelsea
Ottawa CMH Falkowski, Keith
Ottawa CMH Fowler, Briana
Ottawa CMH Francisco, Rich
Ottawa CMH Hamstra, Stacie
Ottawa CMH Heerde, Ann
Ottawa CMH Krontz, Elizabeth
Ottawa CMH LaHaie, Teresa
Ottawa CMH Madden, Chris
Ottawa CMH Myers, Jen
Ottawa CMH Osterhout, Jill
Ottawa CMH Postma, Matt
Ottawa CMH Stasko, Sandi
Ottawa CMH Taylor, Cal
Ottawa CMH Vanderschel, Michele
Ottawa CMH Vasser, Angela
Our Hope Association Mesler, Bethany
Outside In McVoy, Jennifer
Palomo, Mariah Hope Network
Parkview AFC Letcher, Jennifer
Parrish Adult Foster Care Parrish, Sherry
Pathways Glynn, Stacey
Peace at Home Caregivers Coombs, Natalie
Peace at Home Caregivers Richardson, Khalid
peace at home Lutz, Laura
Peaceful Settings Laseman, Jude
Peaceful Settings Sage, Angela
Pelletier, Andre Hope Network
phillips afc Campbell, Jesselyn
Pine Grove AFC Munyabera, Metu
Pine Rest Akers, Cody
Pine Rest Carter, Nancy
Pine Rest Edwards, Michelle
Pine Rest Hibma, Joan
Pine Rest Lafleur, Heather
Pine Rest Priest, Mariah
Pine Rest Salsbury, Diane
Pine Rest Sepanik, Sarah
Pine Rest Smit, Courtney
Pine Rest Tewelde, Senait
Pine Rest White, Christy
Pine Rest Williams, Gregory
Pine Rest Wiltse, Madelyn
Pine Ridge AFC Westerhof, Deb
Pinerest Langan, John
Pioneer Resources Bonthuis, Jill
Pioneer Resources Deleon, Jessica
Pioneer Resources Freed, Stacy
Pioneer Resources Hicks, Angela
Pioneer Resources Hinton, Anna
Pioneer Resources Hodges, Rob
Pioneer Resources Howell, Brooke
Pioneer Resources Kassner, Kelsey
Pioneer Resources Kroll, Tracy
Pioneer Resources Rivenbark, Angelia
Pioneer Resources Robinson, LaQuandra
Pioneer Resources Sischo, Greg
Pioneer Resources Skinner, Jodi
Pioneer Resources Stenberg, Robin
Pioneer Resources Stuckey, Yvette
Pioneer Resources Transportation Filmore, Angelica
Pioneer Resources Transportation Haynes-Tibbitts, Brandy
Pioneer Resources Transportation Pettit, Paul
Pioneer Resources Trenter, Samantha
Pioneer Resources Wilson, David
Pioneer Resources Wolters, Tim
Placebo Fairbotham, Kathy
Pleasant View Manor Brooks, Julie
Positive Behavior Supports Benson, Melanie
Positive Behavior Supports Bradford, Elyse
Preferred Emp and Living Armstrong, Shelley
Preferred Employment & Living Supports Scott, Samantha
Preferred Employment & Living-Ottawa Scott, Samantha
Pro Care Unlimited Epstein, Ashley
ProCare Bogdan, Xena
ProCare Buss, Diana
ProCare Unlimited Shounia, Justin
Protocall Services Dekker, Jessica
Protocall Services Scolar, Mike
PT Solutions Banks, Dan
Purdy's AFC Purdy, Catherine
Ramirez-Roberts, Olivia Hope Network
Randys House Bonk, Hanna
Randys House Helmer, Mike
RB Living Kelly, Samantha
Reach for Recovery Southwell, Shelly
Ready for Life Hill, Char
Ready For Life Smits, Jamie
Real Life Living Marsh, Deanna
Real Life Living Services - Kent Cty Cole, Britney
Real Life Living Services Daniels, Kristyn
Rebound Therapies Mooney, Nicole
Recover Academy Roaleen, Michael
Recovery Cooperative Galion, Bobbie
Recovery Road Smith, Preston
Reliance Community Care Partners Lunt, Greg
Reliance Community Care Partners Roberts, Breanne
ResCare Home Care Golembea, Christina
ResCare Teeples, Nicholas
Residential Opportunities, Inc Bushouse, Jennie
Ride Right Benedict, Donna
Riley Care AFC Dhar, Shyamal
Rios, Louis
Roberson, Davona Hope Network
Rockford Country AFC Caldwell, Joann
Rocking Horse Ranch Townsend, Bethany
Royal Care Homes Mutongerwa, Hazel
Safehaus Aldea, Julie
Safehaus Fedorowych, Alex
Safehome Peterson, Tanya
Sakshaug AFC Lewis, Adam
Salvation Army Cazzola, Bridgette
Salvation Army Harburn, Kari
Salvation Army Harper, Dawn
Salvation Army Walton, Leah
Samaritas Brooks Perfitt, Dawn
Samaritas Ducey Chase, Greg
Samaritas Hansen/Horton Davis, Heidi
Samaritas Kushner, Justin
Samaritas Mararebecah Torrey, Darcy
Samaritas Masters, Janice
Samaritas Meldrum, Ann
Sam's Place AFC Portoluri, Linda
Sanders, Clieesha Hope Network
Sandy's Country AFC Deible, Cary
Schiele's AFC Helmer, Angela
Second Story Walton, Michael
Selby, Shelley Hope Network
Sensory Systems Clinic West PLC Hodge, Tamara
Serenity Homes Clark, Jenny
Serenity Homes Conklin, Angela
Serenity Homes North Herbert, Cortney
Serenity Homes Randall , Paula
Serenity Homes West Kellogg, Crystal
Shel Mar AFC Rawlings, Shelly
Snug Harbor Storvik, Ruth
Snug Harbor VanDusen, Caitlin
Sonder Center Pettyplace, Aubrey
South Coast Home Kwiatkowski, CJ
Sparks Hartman, Alex
Spectrum Acosta, Debra
Spectrum Anderson, Heather
Spectrum Autism Center Humphrey, Mike
Spectrum Birnie, Kurt
Spectrum Birnie, Sarah
Spectrum Cook, Morgan
Spectrum Cunningham, Crystal
Spectrum DeBrabander, Laney
Spectrum Dickens, Jeanine
Spectrum Dutter, Mandy
Spectrum Ellis, Justin
Spectrum Franke, Tammi
Spectrum Funk, Dani
Spectrum Garrison, Charlina
Spectrum Geer, Courtney
Spectrum Gonzales, Katie
Spectrum Holt, Kaci
Spectrum Horacek, Mandy
Spectrum Johnson, Samantha
Spectrum Jostlin, Jeanne
Spectrum Klunder, Trisha
Spectrum Kulakowski, Ronda
Spectrum Marshall, Cedric
Spectrum Martin, Melissa
Spectrum Paige, Regan
Spectrum Payne, Delissa
Spectrum Reamon, Heather
Spectrum Sawtelle, Connie
Spectrum Schumaker, Linda
Spectrum Stoppa, Heather
Spectrum VanDis, Krystal
Spectrum VanSiclen, Jona
Spectrum Walch, Jordan
Spectrum Winford, Ben
Spectrum Wolters, Christine
Speerbrecker, Tiffany Hope Network
St. Dilaus Kuikstra, Jackie
St. Dilaus St. John, Bev
St. Dilaus VanPortfliet, Denise
St. James Gate Adams, Jessica
St. James Gate Moss, Tommie
St. John's Health Care PC Carlson, Berni
St. John's Healthcare Carlson, Berni
St. John's Healthcare PC-Ottawa Carlson, Berni
St. John's Home Boks, Martha
St. John's Home Brower, Ben
St. John's Home Clark, Dynetta
St. John's Home Cook, Laura
St. John's Home Mammen, Laura
St. John's Home Slachter, Phil
St. John's Home Tefft, Donna
St. John's Home Wybenga, Katie
Stephens Home Manumbu, Teziah
Stillson AFC Stillson, Polly
Strong AFC Strong, Stacie
Stuart Wilson Hall, Kelly
Stuart Wilson Ranes, Amanda
Stuart Wilson_WM Ranes, Amanda
Sunset House Inc MacKenzie, Sherry
Sunset House Inc Reaume, Jennifer
Sunsetmanor Senior AFC Corp. Scoby, Melody
Sunshine Manor Ansari, David
Supported Independent Living Germain-Bush, Maria
Swanberg AFC Visel, Ben
Taylor, Pam
Tender Care Manor AFC Porritt, Sheena
Tender Care Manor AFC Smith, Shaprese
Therapies, Rebound
Thompson, Sandra
Thresholds Funk, Theresa
Thresholds Gibson, Becky
Thresholds Johnson, Jacquie
Thresholds Martin , Terri
Thresholds Smith, Sharon
Trinity Health Life Counseling Banks, Anje
Trinity Home Health Morrie, Bobbie
Troast Care AFC Troast, Afzal
Truer, Janet Hope Network
Turning Leaf (Kent County) Francosky, Zeta
Turning Leaf (WMCMH) Francosky, Zeta
Turning Leaf Davis, Toya
Turning Leaf Gutschke, Penny
Turning Leaf Mull, Lisa
Turning Leaf Ramirez, Sandra
Turning Leaf Strong, Carmen
Twin Doves AFC Harada, Denny
Ulanowicz, Jason Hope Network
Unlimited Alternatives Arnett, Deanna
Unlimited Alternatives Preston, Fawn
Urban PALS Alexander, Laura
Vanderstelt, Heather Hope Network
VanPelt, Jenna GT Independence
Victory Palace Udo, Joanna
Village View AFC Zwiers, Laurie
Vonk AFC Vonk, Carla
Walsh, Sarah Hope Network
Watson, Bradley Hope Network
Waypoints Bergmark, David
Waypoints Greenman, Rachael
Waypoints Jasgur, Taylor
We Are Family Braswell, Gloria
Wedgwood DeHaven, Belinda
Wedgwood Institute, Wedgwood
Wells, Oralee Hope Network
West Michigan CMH Goodno, Anissa
West Michigan CMH Smith, Lori
West Shore Medical Hunter, Katie
Whalen, Joe Fresh Coast Alliance
Whippoorwill Knoll Christians, Elizabeth
Wilcox, Robin Hope Network
Willowbrook Friedman, Brandie
Woodbridge AFC Kwei, Sam
Wooded Acres Snider, Patricia
Woodland Park Manor L.L.C. Craighead, Joya
Woodlea, Program Manager
Wooten's AFC Wooten, Charleen
Wright Kare Wright, Jacqueline
Wright Kare Wright, Patricia
Zawadi Kioko, Mary
Zawadi Matheka, Calvin
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